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Qatar Airways

Staff travel information


Qatar caps the loads at +10/+25 until 3 days before the flight's departure. The exact loads are released 3 days prior to departure.


As per qatarairways.com

Dress code


QR Stations have obligation to refuse improperly dressed ID passengers. Staff and their families are required to wear “Smart Casual”. Clothing should be neat, free of damage, well maintained, appropriately fitted, and in good condition. Acceptable attire as below:

Smart jeans/denim and chinos that are neat, plain and appropriately fitted are acceptable in any cabin. Polo shirt, collarless plain T-shirt, collared shirt, blouse, smart dress or skirt (knee-length or longer). Sneakers/trainers/boots that are plain, color neutral and overall presentable are acceptable in any cabin. Smart Casual ladies' sandals (flat or heeled) similar to those that would be worn to the office. Full professional national dress (male & female Qatari, GCC or other nationalities) including appropriate sandals. Children aged 12 years and below traveling in any cabin are allowed to wear more casual clothing (i.e. shorts, T-shirts, running shoes). Strictly not allowed for all cabins is shown as below:

Jeans that are dirty, or too distressed, with any holes or rips. "Overly revealing" clothing, sweatpants, sportswear attire, beach clothing, and any kind of shorts or athletic or athleisure wear. Flip-flops, sliders, beach slippers, croc-style shoes/sandals, Birkenstock-style sandals. Clothing that is vulgar or violates community standards or decency is never appropriate, including items that have words, terms, or pictures that may be offensive to others. Hats of any kind, including caps. Any tight, short skirts or dresses above the knee, see-through, revealing and sleeveless clothing (shoulders must be covered). Tip: To avoid last minute inconveniences owing to dress code issues and unnecessary debates during boarding time, please refrain from using attire that may be misunderstood as restricted.


Listing recommended with APIS (Advance Passenger Information System) data.

Call nearest QR reservations office or Call centers for listings.

All standby listings for Economy should be made in RBD E and for Business in RBD U.


As per qatarairways.com


ZED passengers have lower priority over QR revenue passengers.

QR staff will have a higher priority over other airline staff holding ZED tickets.


Traveling staff/family should ensure that they hold a valid passport and relevant visas for their intended destination and/or scheduled points en route, in case off-loading becomes necessary.

In the absence of valid passport / visas, staff passengers may be denied boarding.


Children under 12 years of age are not allowed to travel in Business class, even if accompanied by an adult.

excluded flights

QR flight series QR3500-6999 is excluded (subject to change/modifications).


Travelling staff/family should ensure that they hold a valid passport and relevant visas for their intended destination and/or scheduled points en route, incase off-loading becomes necessary.

In the absence of valid passport / visas, staff passengers may be denied boarding.

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